Source localization using the Positioning algorithms

Niloofar Hajimohammadi1 Hossein momenzadeh2

1) M.Sc student of Electrical engineering communications, pooyesh higher education Institute, Qom, Iran
2) Assistant Professor Institute of Higher Education Pooyesh

Publication : The 5th International conference of Sciences and Engineering(
Abstract :
Abstract: For this purpose, the positioning location Wireless communications networks were used. Receiver signal strength Indicator (RSSI) and time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) are main techniques that have been used in sensor node localization. Four anchor nodes were placed on corners of a square and the blind folded nod with the sounder at TDOA and RSS measurements was taken by averaging several consecutive readings. Then the blind folded node was localized using the LLS and CWLS estimator and methods of SI and SX. Combined algorithm The research will be presented the case that the source is close to the Sensors And when the source is away from the sensor Was a good answer . In general it can be concluded that positioning accuracy using combined method TDOA and RSS and intelligent Algorithms can be improved.
Keywords : Key word: Positioning source Multipath Weighted least squares Linear least square