Compare the performance level of a facade structure’s curtain wall in comparison with the performance level of its high rise tower

Compare the performance level of a facade structure’s curtain wall in comparison with the performance level of its high rise tower

Reza mokarram aydenlou1 Iraj aminnia2

1) PHD Student of Project Management and Construction -P.E, C.Eng. S.E, M, ASCE
2) Bachelor of civil engineering

Publication : 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (
Abstract :
High-rise towers should be responsive to earthquakes and wind. Curtain wall is mainly used as the tower’s main facade, with the structure consisting of glass and metal. Structural design guidelines are provided for the facade’s linear analysis, while the nonlinear analysis is seldom considered. The stimulating effects on the building’s main facade structure, including the simultaneous effects of wind and seismic movements, must be considered during the design process. Studies were performed to determine the combinations of materials that deliver improved performance level. Biaxial bending glass tests and reviewed studies evaluated the performance of supplies and the facade integration, and numerical calculations are presented for determining the glass bending capacity for the composite performance level of a curtain wall. In this case, the use of the calculations presented in this article can be used to significantly enhance the performance level of Curtain Wall. Ultimately facade structural performance level will be matched with the level of performance of the main structure.
Keywords : Analysis، Structure، Performance level، curtain wall، bending