A Review of Learning Styles Detection Methods

Seyede Fatemeh Noorani1 Shirin Mirabedini2

1) Instructor, Department of Information Technology, Payame Noor University, Postal Code: 3697-19395 Tehran, Iran,
2) Instructor, Department of Information Technology, Payame Noor University, Postal Code: 3697-19395 Tehran, Iran,

Publication : The 4th International conference of Science and Engineering(4icesconf.com)
Abstract :
Students have different learning approaches for learning, known as learning styles. Statistics reveal that considering students’ learning style is a significant factor that improves learning performance. This paper reviews the different models of learning style. Afterward we indicate the diagnostic methods that have been mentioned in the literatures. This paper is a comprehensive review of papers that related to learning style methods and its detection methods.
Keywords : Learning Style Detection Learning Style Implicit and Explicit Detection Method