Time series analysis of demand forecasting for production planning in remanufacturing: current trends and forthcoming directions

Time series analysis of demand forecasting for production planning in remanufacturing: current trends and forthcoming directions

Moeen Sammak Jalali1 S. M. T. Fatemi Ghomi2

1) PhD Candidate, Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, Amirkabir University of Technology- Tehran Polytechnic, Tehran, Iran Email:
2) Full Professor, Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, Amirkabir University of Technology- Tehran Polytechnic, Tehran, Iran Email:

Publication : The 4th International conference of Science and Engineering(4icesconf.com)
Abstract :
Remanufacturing is operative for energy and material savings. Nevertheless, production planning and control in remanufacturing are more multifaceted than those in traditional manufacturing. Evolving a consistent forecasting method is perilous for simplifying operative production planning and control. This article surveys the efficiency of demand forecasting in remanufacturing by means of time series analysis. Most current approaches of demand forecasting in remanufacturing assume that the time distributions of new product sales are recognized and that the time distributions of the demands of remanufactured products are determined by adding the product lifetime to the time distribution of new product sales. Furthermore, most preceding studies focused on comparatively long-term demand trends deprived of considering the seasonality of demands. In this article, we embark on surveying the most effective research works in the field of time series analysis and its application in demand forecasting and production planning of remanufactured products. With this regards, we develop a classification procedure that helps authors to categorize papers in this field. Then we present the possible current works that can be done in the future by means of presenting a table including hot topics in this field.
Keywords : Remanufacturing; Production Planning; Demand Forecasting; Time Series Analysis.