Identification and classification of effective success factors in construction projects

Identification and classification of effective success factors in construction projects

Bagher Dastyar1 Majid Askarifard2 Mohammadreza Hakimifard3 Mohammad Amin Jabalameli4

1) M.Sc in construction engineering and management, Payame Noor University, Karaj, Iran Email:
2) PhD student in construction engineering and management, Arak Azad University, Arak, Iran Email:
3) MSc Student, Construction and Engineering Management, Mehralborz Institute of Higher Education, Tehran, Iran, Email:
4) MSc Student, Construction and Engineering Management, Mehralborz Institute of Higher Education, Tehran, Iran, Email:

Publication : The 4th International conference of Science and Engineering(
Abstract :
The construction industry is a competitive business which has a high degree of risk that deals with many problems like weak cooperation, lack of trust and inefficient communication that cause incompatible relationships between parties. Therefore, identification and analysis of success factors in these projects is one of the main priorities in this industry. Success factors are factors or criteria that the project manager should identify and control. Identifying them lead to the project s success and lack of identification increase the probability of failure. This study tries to identify and classify the effective factors for success in construction projects. Required information is gathered through library studies which consists of project s technical report review, documents, internal and external articles and materials which are classified in the next step. Ideas and opinions of different experts, in various researches are shaped via common experience in related construction project areas. In other words, success factors in construction projects which are identified by experts also related to their respective areas of performance. This study showed that the judgment about success factors in construction projects is different for various experts with lower or higher experience.
Keywords : Success factors Classification Construction project success Effective factors and criteria Construction projects