The role of Sustainable Environment on Court System and Electronic commerce

Mir Mehrdad Mirsanjari1 Seyed Hosein Hashemi2

1) Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciencesو, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran
2) Faculty Member, Institute of Higher Educatuin of Mehr , Arak, Iran

Publication : International Conference On Research Science And Technology(
Abstract :
Many countries such as United States of America , Canada, Australia and some other countries prefer to use English system of law and its legal system or at least their system under heavy effects of English law and legal system is similar to English law and judicial system. Many of the mentioned countries got their legal system in the past when they were their colonies. So it is important to know English court system. Nowadays electronic commerce is growing and will be more important in the future. This kind of commerce can be viewed from different aspects, but we will analyze it from legal point. We know that some structure and rules are already build for electronic commerce, but they should be updated as needed especially in security matters. The physical environment, economy, and social are subject to different problems, requiring individual methods of approach and research Ecotourism creates an impact on natural ecosystems but more importantly, it offers a way to promote conservation in ecologically fragile regions ;benefit the economies of local communities ;provide the public with a nature-based education experience. Ecotourism stands to reason that there are many differences between the developing world and the developed world when it comes to issues of sustainability and sustainable community development.
Keywords : court system electronic commerce sustainability environment