Graphene Synthesis by Graphite Exfoliation

Ali Hasani1

1) Department of Chemical Engineering, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran E-mail address:

Publication : 3rd.International Conference on Researches in Science & Engineering Kasem Bundit University – Thailand (
Abstract :
Graphene, a single atomic layer of sp2-bonded carbon atoms, has opened up a new era of 2-dimensional fundamental science and potential technology owing to its intrinsic difference from other forms of carbon allotropes. The extraordinary mechanical, electronic, thermal, optic transparency properties make graphene a promising material for various applications, such as nano electronics, energy storage and conversion, drug delivery, sensor and catalysis. The synthesis of graphene in both high quality and quantity via economic ways is highly desirable and meaningful for practical applications. Here, simple, green and cost- effective multiple exfoliation approaches to high quality and high yield graphene flakes are reported.
Keywords : Graphite Graphene Synthesis Exfoliation Electrochemical.