Defense Security Strategy of the Armed Forces from the Viewpoint of Imam Khamenei

Defense Security Strategy of the Armed Forces from the Viewpoint of Imam Khamenei

Hojjat Jodaei1

1) Instructor at Imam Ali Military University

Publication : International Congress on First International Conference on security, progress and sustainable development of border areas, territorial and Metropolitan,(
Abstract :
This article investigate the recognition of the scientific and theoretical aspects of thought in the security field of the armed forces from the viewpoint of Imam Khamenei and attempts to answer the question of which what are the basis of security strategies the armed forces on the viewpoint of Imam Khamenei. The role of the armed forces in implementing the criteria for the realization of the Islamic state is very active and necessary in order to become more active in practicing the beliefs of the realization of the Islamic state. This paper outlines the importance, components and functions of the defense strategies of the armed forces and the role that this subject plays in defending values and principles based on viewpoints of Imam Khamenei. Using the descriptive-analytical method, the statement of Imam Khamenei was examined. Also, by referring to the experts and interviewing with them, this subject was clarified and further information was obtained. Findings of the research showed that the most important components of the viewpoint of Imam Khamenei influenced by the strategic culture of the Islamic Republic of Iran include the recognition tools and components and enemy positions, military preparedness, the moments and goals recognition, analysis power, the appropriate tools, independence and stability, reliance on the nation and appropriate equipment that can be effective in adopting a strategy of appropriate defense strategies for the armed forces and enhancing the defense capabilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran against enemies.
Keywords : Defense Strategies Armed Forces Imam Khamenei