Ultra-short plasmonic waveguide cross-over component and demultiplexers based on contra-directional coupler utilizing surface plasmon polaritons

Ultra-short plasmonic waveguide cross-over component and demultiplexers based on contra-directional coupler utilizing surface plasmon polaritons

دانشگاه خواجه نصیرالدین طوسی1

1) K.N. Toosi University of Technology

Publication : International Conference on Science and Engineering(2icesconf.com)
Abstract :
To realize the ultra-short optical devices, the metal-dielectric-metal (MDM) and the dielectric-metal-dielectric (DMD) structures that can support surface plasmon polariton (SPP) are suggested an investigated. Contra-directional coupling that can be achieved in these structures are the basis of this proceed. By this contra directional coupling the possibility to design ultra-short plasmonic devices has been greatly fulfilled. In special cases with the help of composite waveguide structures with multiple dielectric cores, the waveguide cross-over components which are able to transfer field anti-symmetric and odd mode with high throughput and low crosstalk are obtained. Furthermore under the contra directional coupling condition two kinds of demultiplexers can be achieved. ~70% efficiency is achieved in first kind of demultiplexers which are based on the ring dielectric resonators while ~50% efficiency is achieved by the second kind of simple demultliplexers without any resonators and just by applying the simple slab waveguides in the simple geometries.
Keywords : metal-dielectric-metal contra-directional coupler demultiplexer