The Role of Training and Motivation in Construction Human Resource Management - Systems Thinking Approach

The Role of Training and Motivation in Construction Human Resource Management - Systems Thinking Approach

soroush abbaspour1 shahin dabirian2

1) M.Sc Student in Construction Engineering and Management, Dept. of Construction Engineering and Management, Isfahan (khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
2) Ph.D in Construction Engineering and Management, Lecture at Art University of Isfahan, Architecture and Urban Design School, Isfahan, Iran

Publication : 2nd. International Conference on Management & Industrial Engineering(
Abstract :
The planning and human resource development of projects is an essential part of human resource management in the construction industry. Planning in this area includes plans for future workforce needs, required skills, employment and workforce development. Human resource development is also based on training and motivation. In this paper, the role of training and motivation in human resource management of construction projects is investigated. In the first step, variables affecting human resource management of construction projects with an emphasis on training and motivation of the workforce are identified based on previous studies and expert opinions. Thereafter, the complex interactions between the variables are identified using the systems thinking approach. Finally, the project performance is evaluated by attaining feedback relationships and feedback loops. It should be noted that, the performance objectives of the project are achieved by assessing complex relationship among causal loops diagram, behavior of human resources management of construction projects and applying control in this system.
Keywords : Human Resource Management Resource Planning Construction Projects Performance Systems Thinking