Skill Assessment Tools for Walking, Jogging, Running and Sprinting: A Control Mechanism Approach

Maede Alavikia1 Ahmad Reza Arshi2 David James3

1) Iran, University of Technology,
2) Iran, University of Technology,
3) United Kingdom,Sheffield Hallam University,

Publication : International Congress of Science and Engineering - TOKYO UNIVERSITY - JAPAN(
Abstract :
Activities such as walking, jogging, running and sprinting which involve whole body dynamics, are primarily differentiated by speed of locomotion. Segmental movements during these activities resemble rhythmic self-sustaining oscillator behavior. Energy balance and damping-stiffness characteristics could therefore be described through adaptation of minimal limit cycle models. Kinematic data was acquired from 10 university soccer team players by sacrum mounted inertial measurement unit. Contrary to initial expectations, the study illustrates that control mechanisms governing all four types of gait can be modeled by a single equation with different dynamic characteristic coefficients. It is also shown that increasing speed results in increased linearity. This however is at expense of increased non-linear damping strategies to maintain stability. This balancing act, performed by motor control system on stiffness- damping coefficients speaks of regulatory characteristics of skilled movements. The approach could therefore contribute towards establishment of a verifiable skill assessment tool for athletic development programs.
Keywords : Running Gait Speed Skill Limit Cycle Model