Evil Thought and Its Approaches with an Emphasis on Swinburne Theodicy of Divine Justice

Abdullah HosseiniEskandian1 Masoumeh Rajabnezhadian2

1) Responsible Author
2) Colleague

Publication : 2nd Scientific Research Conference Psychology, Counseling, Educational Sciences and Social Sciences(pcesconf.com)
Abstract :
One of the issues that has always been studied and researched from the beginning of human life and has been approached by different thinkers and different religions is the issue of evil.Swinburne, a Christian thinker, explains and examines the issue of evil in Theodicy of Divine Justice .Swinburne considers evil to be the lack of perfection that prevents the goodness of an object.He believes that the root of evil should be considered in the improper will of man and should not be attributed to God, because God is absolute good and evil is not issued from absolute good.The study of the nature of evil and its explanations by Sweeney Berne in order to get acquainted with and study his thoughts, and on the other hand, the study of the problem of evil as a theological and philosophical issue, is something that requires research on this subject. This article uses a descriptive-analytical method to examine the theology of divine justice, the nature, types, benefits and solutions of evil from the point of view of Swinburne. Only then can we feel God better and have true faith in His justice, benevolence, and absolute wisdom.
Keywords : Divine justice Swinburne evil God good system