Quran translation history in Latin, English and Persian languages

zohreh Jorjani Moghadam1 Hamed shakhsi Darband2

Abstract :
Translation has played a communicative role throughout history at any time there has been an intersection of two cultures and languages. And each time one culture has produced a written text, translators serve as the bridge that allows literate members of one culture to be exposed to the written material the other has produced. Perhaps the best documented example of translation history is that of the Bible, but the work of scholars from all over the world has also been translated. These translations have permitted the cross-germination and exposure to ideas and values that have then spread across the world because of their availability in other languages. (Johnson, 2012)
Keywords : history, Qur’an, translation

زبان مقاله : انگلیسی
محور مقاله : علوم انسانی
محل انتشار : کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی و علوم کاربردی
آدرس وب سایت کنفرانس : iceasconf.com
ارسال کننده : زهره جرجانی مقدم
کد IOI مقاله : XYCZ-AAFBD
لینک مستقیم مقاله : https://isnac.ir/XYCZ-AAFBD

سایر مقالات ارائه دهنده
  1. Quran translation history in Latin, English and Persian languages
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