Technology Assessment of 3D Printing in the Building Industry

Javad Vasheghani Farahani1 Mehdi Sadraie2 Asso Azatonabi3 Barbara Strauss4

Abstract :
The advent of 3D printing technology, which is counted part of Industry 4.0, has undeniably been a revolutionary force in various industries, including construction. It promises numerous benefits such as increased efficiency, reduced waste, and creative design possibilities as part of benefits. However, it is crucial to critically examine its negative aspects and risks, which is the other side of the coin, particularly within the construction sector - Civil engineering, which is the focus sector of this paper. Despite its advantages, challenges like regulatory hurdles, limited material options, potential structural weaknesses in some printed materials, and high initial investment costs must be acknowledged as undeniable facts. These drawbacks might pose significant barriers to widespread adoption and implementation within the construction industry, but it is believed that depends on the case and situation of our requirement from this technology
Keywords : 3D printing, Building industry, Technology, Sustainability, Policy

زبان مقاله : انگلیسی
محور مقاله : مهندسی عمران
محل انتشار : دومین کنگره بین المللی علوم، مهندسی و فن آوری های نو
آدرس وب سایت کنفرانس :
ارسال کننده : جواد واشقانی فراهانی
کد IOI مقاله : XKDK-KHZAF
لینک مستقیم مقاله :

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سایر مقالات ارائه دهنده
  1. Technology Assessment of 3D Printing in the Building Industry