Governance in Sustainable Development, the case of co-location of university campuses in Trondheim

Savis Gohari1

Abstract :
Development of Trondheim is intertwined with development of its university campuses. The integrated city and campus development is a powerful urban policy for strengthening the knowledge resources for achieving a better university, local business development and sustainable development in Trondheim. However, success in embedding knowledge in the local social and economic networks depends, to a large extent, on the balance in the process of exchange and collaboration between the main actors; Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), the Municipality of Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag County Council, Ministry of education, Ministry of finance, the business community and local entrepreneurs. In this regard, the urban development of Trondheim has automatically approached the governance style, where public authorities and other implicated interests have met to formulate planning strategies both at the local and regional level. The governance is defined as a self-organized network of independent actors that have been involved in complex relations of reciprocal interdependence. The main aim of this research is to investigate the local governance process and the effect of the collaborative networks on the nature and form of the decision-making process in the joint development of the city and campuses. This paper is based on the findings of the ongoing PhD research, which is a qualitative case study. The main source of information for this paper is document analysis. The results for this paper will be presented in a form of hypothesis which indicates that: the municipal and national governments should influence the institutionalization of governance and therefore the degree of autonomy among the university actors in order to flow the development processes.
Keywords : Governance, Sustainable Urban Development, Co-location, University, City, Trondheim

زبان مقاله : انگلیسی
محور مقاله : مهندسی شهرسازی وتوسعه شهري پايدار
محل انتشار : سومین کنگره بین المللی عمران، معماری و توسعه شهری
آدرس وب سایت کنفرانس :
ارسال کننده : Savis Gohari
کد IOI مقاله : XYAK-ZFZHH
لینک مستقیم مقاله :

مقالات مشابه
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سایر مقالات محل انتشار
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  7. از خیال تا مثال،تاملی بر مباني روان شناختي ادراك فضا
  8. بررسی رابطه متقابل دگرگونی کالبد محلات تاریخی بر هویت اجتماعی ساکنین. نمونه موردی: محله تاریخی ارامنه اصفهان (جلفا).
  9. تاثیر سیستم جداساز پایه ای بر سازه
  10. تعيين ميزان تاثير نماي ساختمان در مديريت مصرف انرژي – مطالعه موردي، شهر ياسوج
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  12. بهسازی و نوسازی بافت های فرسوده شهری و نقش آن در توسعه گردشگری شهری، نمونه موردی : بازار زنجان
  13. ارزیابی رفتار سازه های ساندویچی تحت اثر انفجار زیر آب
  14. نقش دلبستگی در ارتقاء حس مکان
  15. راهکارهای استفاده از انرژی خورشیدی در معماری در جهت صرفه جویی در مصرف انرژی در ساختمان ها با تاکید بر سامانه های فتوولتائیک